- 时长3 小时
- 优先访问
- 不使用闪光灯的照片
- 提供音频指南
- 无障碍
- 由专业导游带领参观
- 不排队,不浪费时间
- 欣赏米开朗基罗的《神圣家族》、波提切利的《维纳斯的诞生》和《春》等名作
- 小团体参观
1574 年,根据弗朗切斯科一世-德-美第奇(Francesco I de 'Medici)的意愿,这座建筑的一楼被改建为艺术品展厅。1737 年,安娜-玛丽亚-路易莎-德-美第奇(Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici)制定了 "公约"(Convenzione),根据该公约,这里的所有作品都与佛罗伦萨这座城市密不可分。
然后,您将欣赏到举世闻名的瓦萨里走廊(Vasari Corridor)的外观,这是瓦萨里亲自为美第奇家族建造的秘密通道;您将了解到,佛罗伦萨的贵族们曾利用这条通道从维琪奥宫(Palazzo Vecchio)步行到皮蒂宫(Pitti Palace),途中还要经过著名的维琪奥桥(Ponte Vecchio)。这只是导游将与您分享的轶事之一!
在佛罗伦萨乌菲齐美术馆(Uffizi)参加独家大师班,释放您内心的艺术家气质,发现创造力的迷人本质。佛罗伦萨小镇为您提供了这个前所未见的机会,您将有机会沉浸在艺术的奥秘中,与艺术专家一起掌握您的技能。在佛罗伦萨乌菲兹美术馆,我们的大师班将带领您探索那些开启意大利文艺复兴的传奇杰作。您将跟随一位经验丰富、魅力十足的英语艺术导游,在令人难以置信的走廊中探险。这些艺术作品因其力量和美感而闻名于世,在旅途中,您将有机会走进画作内部和画框背后,亲身体验这些艺术作品。 大胆穿越瓦萨里走廊--一条笼罩着神秘色彩的空中走廊,深入佛罗伦萨乌菲兹美术馆的迷人收藏,揭开这座城市神秘的面纱。佛罗伦萨的历史源远流长,让您在身临其境的探险中深入了解佛罗伦萨。 您将有机会领略莱昂纳多无与伦比的才华和乔托无与伦比的天赋,并沉醉于每一件艺术品的精妙之处。陶醉于波提切利色彩鲜艳的 "Primavera "和迷人的 "Venere "的迷人魅力,并解开它们所蕴含的神秘信息--所有这些都是为了您个人的愉悦。 隐藏的瓦萨里走廊是文艺复兴时期建筑的杰作,其中隐藏的秘密可以由我们的艺术专家来揭开(请记住,走廊没有入口)。它穿过教堂,坐落在城市房屋之间,拥有丰富的历史。 欢迎来到终极信息中心!无论您是在寻找亟待解决的问题的答案,还是只是对某个特定主题感到好奇,您都会在这里找到有用的、引人入胜的详细信息。抓住机会,扩展您的知识面,即使它看起来晦涩难懂或出乎意料。通过教育和探索,对我们生活的世界有更深入的了解。因此,请投入其中,满足您对知识的渴求吧!在古老的Loggia dei Lanzi露台之上,参观期间将提供休息时间,您可以在乌菲齐咖啡馆休息或品尝一杯清爽的卡布奇诺和咖啡。 "参加我们的艺术大师班,感受一种难以形容的文化熏陶,这无疑将超越仅仅游览乌菲齐美术馆。我们的艺术大师班是一项特别的活动,提供了丰富的机会。- 优先入口
- 正式授权的当地导游
- 预订费
- 参观临时展览
- 供更多人使用的耳机
- 只有英语导游
预订处,Piazza Mentana 2red FIRENZE(阿诺河对面)
客户必须在预定出发时间前 15 分钟到达集合地点。
18 岁以下儿童/青少年必须至少有一名成人陪同。如果不符合这一要求,我们有权将未成年参与者排除在外,并且不予退款。
1 year ago
"Sara was an absolutely wonderful tour guide! A wealth of knowledge, attentive and very clear pronunciation. Fantastic tour!"
2 years ago
"Frederica was an excellent guide. Funny, insightful, patient, flexible and obviously passionate about art. Thank you!"
6 years ago
"Francesco was outstanding! Extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to answer additional questions. Right on time, friendly, and generally top notch. Highly recommend!"
7 years ago
"Was worth every penny .... a great tour. Thank you"
7 years ago
"Great tour, really helped us appreciate the works of art"
7 years ago
"Ornella was an amazing guide. Mind blowing experience. "
7 years ago
"We had a lovely tour. It was just the right amount of time and in a small group. So helpful to have someone guide us through and know so much about the art and the history of the art periods. I would highly recommend this tour! Grazie! "
7 years ago
"Francesco, the guide, was great. He took us to the best of UFFIZI showing his knowledge in every painting, painter and every place of the museum. Great experience. Thank you ver much. "
7 years ago
"Great guide who knew his art history and was accommodating to my friend who had mobility issues"
7 years ago
"Thank you so much for calling us when we didn't arrive on time. Our trip to Italy was canceled due to a serious illness of my 98 year old mother in law. We would love to be able to use our tickets for a private tour of Uffizi this spring when we reschedule our trip. Thank you so very mych for your kind call. Warmest regards, Tamara and John Frank"
7 years ago
"Loved the small group. Our Guide was excellent and knowledgeable! "
7 years ago
"Francesco our guide was great; he was very informative, interesting, up=to=date, generous in his responses to our questions and comments, and the selection of art works and the timing of it all was great. We found the traffic flow difficult when we stayed afterwards and think it could be improved in the Uffizi."
7 years ago
"We had an amazing tour of the Uffizi Gallery. Our guide was Leonardo who shared his incredible knowledge about the paintings, the artists and the history relating to the paintings and sculptures. So much to see but Leonardo was able to take us to the most significant works and succinctly describe the meaning and techniques used by the pre-eminent artists of the time. Thanks Leonardo for a most memorable experience ! "
7 years ago
"Great tour, very knowledgeable guide. "
7 years ago
"Lea was our guide and she was knowledgeable and courteous. She gave us so much interesting information that I was left wanting to learn more, not only about art but about the history behind the art as well. Worth every penny!"
7 years ago
"It was great!"
7 years ago
"I have no problem giving a recommendation. Our guide arrived on time, the group was small as promised, and the audio worked well. Our guide (Francesco) was very knowledgeable, explained things in detail about the paintings, and answered all questions we put to him. His English was also very good. Although the cost of a guided tour may seem high I thought it was worth it for the extra understanding you get in a once in a lifetime visit."
7 years ago
"A wonderful experience (despite the enormous crowds)! Our Guide Andrea was brilliant so knowledgeable, and enthusiastic, but still with a sense of humour. We learned so much about the important paintings that we simply would not have noticed for ourselves. Not to be missed but try to get on a group led by Andrea !!!!!!!"
7 years ago
"The guide was extremely knowledgeable and easily understandable. "
7 years ago
"I want to give a big thank you to our guide, Francesca. My wife was taken ill at the start of the tour, but Francesca managed to look after her, park us somewhere safe, and continue to run the tour while still occasionally checking we were OK. Meanwhile, my two teenage boys continued as part of the tour party and thoroughly enjoyed it. Excellent work all round Francesca, thanks again!"