The Young Tintoretto on display at Gallerie dell'Accademia
From 7 September 2018 until 6 January 2019 at the Gallerie dell'Accademia (Venice)

500 years after his birth, Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto, returns to fascinate the public on the occasion of the celebrations that Venice dedicates to him with numerous initiatives. The Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice hosts a large exhibition dedicated to the artist's training and to the fertile context in which he started his pictorial career.
Through twenty paintings signed by the artist, it is possible to follow the evolution of Tintoretto in the first ten years of his activity and its extraordinary ability to express the suggestions received from the Venetian cultural environment in an experimental and original way. The itinerary consists of about sixty works, coming from important national and international museums and the exhibition reconstructs the artistic context within which the young artist moves: from Giovanni Antonio Pordenone to Tiziano, from Sansovino to Michelangelo, from Francesco Salviati to Giuseppe Porta Salviati and Giorgio Vasari. At the centre of the exhibition itinerary, the Miracle of the Slave bears witness to the expressive maturity reached, at the age of only thirty years, by one of the greatest interpreters of the Venetian art in sixteenth century.